Here are my previews to my share of the blog train - there are 3 previews ... 2 are paper and 1 has elements - links are below. If you run into any problems with the links or downloads, e-mail me ( and I'll see what I can do to help you get the kit.

Sorry, link has expired.
This kit will be a freebie for one entire month - take a peek in my right hand side bar to also see the Worldwide blog train listings.. *( yes , there are 2 , so get those hard drives ready for some action. -) Check out this list ! Also Please note, not all of us are on the same time frame. If you visit one of the members links below and their item is not showing yet, check back later !
Hugs and thanks for stopping by. Leaving a thank you message is not a must but is so appreciated.
TammyJo aka *TJ* aka * MoonDancer* aka *IMMoonDancer* aka *Moon*
The Christmas Convoy ( participants ) A big thank you to *Soto for getting this blog train a rolling !!! " Click on the names below to visit the rest of the participants."
01 - SotoCreations
02 - CurtisamCreations
03 - WillowRaven
04 - Kez Creates
05 - The Queen and the Princess Designs
06 - Carolyn at Digi Cyber Scraps
07 - DesignZ by DeDe
08 - Scrapz By Christon
10 - CuddleBeez Scraps
11 - Lizard Dau Designs
12 - Outback Dezigns
13 - CandysTreasures
14 - Gemini Creationz
15 - Reeces Pieces Scraps
16 - LouCee Creations
17 - Crafted by Gina
18 - Twisted Angel
19 - MIP Scraps
20 - PinkuPixie Digital Designs
21 - Shawn Walter
22 - Moodz Scrapz
23 - Bits N Bobs
24 - Kolor Scapez
25 - damc
26 - Debee Dezines
27 - JIC Creations
28 - Kcscrapper (Kathy Count)
29 - MoveFearlessly Designs
30 - MoonBeam's Creations
31 - Scrapping With Jen
32 - AJ’s Random Scraps
33 - Designs by Amilyn
34 - KayJay
35 - Blind Sight Designs
36 - Hummie
37 - Foxylady Creations
38 - Idgie's Heartsong
39 - Saskia / Supersuzi
40 - QueenBrat Designs
41 - Donna's Designs
42 - Doreen
43 - TammyJo's Creations
44 - Angi's Place
I know all these designers put a lot of time and love into their kits to give you something "special" , please be sure to leave them some love.
DONT FORGET -----to also check this blog train for even more goodies !!!!
Thank you Antoinette !!!
DS Christmas Around the world blog train...
Gorgeous kit, very pretty :) Thank you all very much for the time and effort that went into organizing and creating all these wonderful free kits for us to play with!
Thank you! Whew I am almost throuh downloading all of this great gift, now on to the next on, I am such a greedy little scrapper...LOL
Thank you for the beautiful Christmas Gift!
thanks heaps Tammy Jo for your awesome contribution to the Christmas Blog Train
Your kit is so pretty. I'm glad the blog train led me here, its my first visit. Thank you so very much.
Thanks a lot Tammy!
I´m going through the other "stops" to check the beautiful things you are all sharing with us!
Vania ( Foto In Scena)
This is so nice of you...Thanks for sharing the wonderful Christmas goodies!! :)
Thank you for your beautiful gift! Scrappingmamaw aka KYhawk2
Beautiful kit! Thanks!
Thank you :) And also thank you for participating. Looking forward to doing the New Years Convoy with you too :)
thanks to you and all of the designers for their large and wonderful efforts.
Thanks so much. I love it.
Hi Tammy Jo
You have an award waiting for you at my blog :)
Beautiful kit hun!! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talent and time!! Happy Holidays!! Hugs! :)
Thank you for your wonderful gift :-)
Thank you so very much for your wonderful share of the Christmas Convoy Blog Train
What a beautiful kit. You are very talented and thank you for sharing!
Wow! This is great! Thank you so much!
Thanks for such a great kit. :)
Thank you so very much for sharing your BEAUTIFUL kit with us. I love the name Christmas Convoy and I am having so much fun following it. The name reminds me of the days when almost everyone had a CB in their car/truck.
Thank you again for your generosity.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you very much for this great work.
Thanks so much, your "parts" look great!!
Thank you so much for your wonderful kit!! Your work is amazing!!
Thankyou for you Christmas Convoy contribution. It's such a fabulous kit.
Thank you - I really appreciate the time and effort that you have put into the designing of this kit. Hugs, Keryn
Thanks for the lovely kit! Everything is beautiful!
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