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Here , as stated twice earlier lol- is one of many more to come- scrapkits. It's a mini kit and there will be a larger one available at a later date to all my mini kits.Please Read the tou's that are included in the kit and if sharing this kit in groups or in emails with friends .....right click and save preview and then link to my blog so they can come here and pick it up -the same as you have. You can pick up the kit by clicking HERE for the elements and HERE for the papers.Enjoy and please don't forget to leave some love if you download ! Comments are very much appreciated. Hugs, TammyJoP.s. Edited and added the hyperlinks - sorry about leaving them off the first time around.
If you've downloaded this file previous to today, July 10 at 10:00 pm.. Please delete what you have and re-download the new file. Ellie kindly let me know that I had a mistake in my spelling of the word "Friend". I didn't even notice it -until it was pointed out. Whoops! Thanks so much for letting me know Ellie.To get the file, please click on the preview. Comments are always welcome. There have been so many downloads on my files , yet far and few between on comments-thank you's etc. I would love to hear from you. So please take time to leave a comment.As with all my files of Word Art- please do not change the files name- please do not share the file through groups or with friends. Instead, send your friends here, to my blog- so they can pick the file up the same way you did. You may right click and save my preview and add the link to my blog on the email if you would like to share it in your groups or with your friends. Thank you in advance.Hugs your way, TammyJoP.s. If you have any problems getting the file- email me at and I'll see what I can do to help get the file to you. a quick note and possible reminder- I am separating the home-made creations that I have up for offer and wanted to let you know so you can keep updated on the progress. I do now have green yarn- so off to knit some green mittens and hats. Sorry for the delay- who'd a thunk finding green yarn would be hard. - so follow the link- and please leave me a note over there in my c-box - or in the comment section -if you are interested and want to purchase these cute little ornaments-decorations etc.Thanks and Hugs all around-Good Morning.TammyJoMore word art and another scrap kit should go up today on this blog. Unless , of course, something prevents that from happening.